Cloud Service Advertisement

Data is now considered one of the most important commodities for companies, however somehow the companies can loss their data. To prevent lossing data, the companies need to backup their data periodically. A data backup is the result of copying or archiving files and folders for the purpose of being able to restore them in case of data loss.

Proline Technology Company gives cloud backup service to customers. For announcing the service provided and emphasizing data backup's important role, the project came to me and I designed an advertisement.

First of all, I wanted to start using an object familiar to computer users. Because of that I selected file icon and designed 3D file icon.

To highlight the object, I used lighting techniques and textures at Cinema 4D. I created dust effects in Photoshop to fit the slogan (Before your data turns to dust, take your precaution) and design. The advertisement was published in magazines, newspapers and posted digital media platforms.